he Arno Metallurgica was defined “a company that, though respecting the noble Mediterranean tradition in the most difficult rules of foundry art, was able to prevent the time challenge”.
Open to the variety of most difficult applications, protagonist of a research culture that anticipates the renewal of most complex technologies, this company was able to outline the best configuration of its marketing, becoming a highly prestigious protagonist.
Its know-how reached with a continuous technical development is the result of well-dosed experiences, in which the operation in “quality assurance” became the vital role. Thanks to the technical department developed in the last years and to the availability of technically advanced plants and equipments, it can assure the high quality of whole production, with a weight of single casting that can be up to 15.000 kg, unique dimension in Italy for alloy type.
Successes reached in most advanced fields confirm without any doubt the development of a remarkable technological breakthrough and award the satisfaction of quality assurance that Arno Metallurgica, as few others, offer to its wide market as a testimony of maximum reliability.

n 1952 Arno Metallurgica foundry started operations as Fonderie Arno di Franco Galli & C. at Cavaria, Varese province, producing either aluminium or bronze castings.
The company then moved to Legnano, Milan province, leaving aluminium alloys production and dedicating itself to the technologic development of bronze castings, but always distinguishing for its constant and continuous engagement to improvement.
In years ’70 the company moved to the present location at San Vittore Olona in a covered area at that time of 3000 m2.
In the spirit of continuous improvement evolution, the certification of Quality System is reached according to iso 9002 standard. In 1997, the covered surface of present location is brought from the previous 3000 m2 to the today’s 7000 m2 through development works.
This fundamental step has allowed Arno Metallurgica to adopt new technologies, such as electric induction furnaces, new automatic moulding stations and new locations for large dimension hand moulding, noticeably improving production capacity.
In 2002 Quality System certification is updated according to iso 9001:2000 standard, allowing the capability of granting high technology production and composite quality requirements.